The Choice

We have talked about packing like sardines into an RV for years but it's always just been a fantasy of ours. There were just too many questions we didn't have the answers to: How would we do it? What would our kids think, or feel about it? Could we really just pick up and leave? Could we really stand to be around each other ALL the time? What about all our stuff?

We have only camped once as a family. It was an amazing trip and I loved almost every moment of it. We spent about a week in May 2012 camping and driving. We left our home in California on a trip to see Mount Rushmore. We camped two nights in Moab, UT; we stopped for a night at hotel in Denver, CO; then continued on our trip to South Dakota where we camped near Mount Rushmore. The trip involved more driving than camping but we had a blast, especially driving through the Rocky Mountains, in the SNOW! I didn't plan for snow, it was May, I assumed we were in the clear. Lesson learned, research the weather better, luckily we had four-wheel drive!

As we walked around our campground in South Dakota I looked at all these RVs and wished we had one. I wished we had the freedom all these people had. Our daughters played with a little girl who was stopping in South Dakota on her way to Yellowstone National Park. I wanted to follow her family, I wanted to go to Yellowstone, I wanted to go everywhere! But, our trip ended and we returned home and went back to real life.

Since that trip none of us have stopped talking about how badly we'd like to camp again, or where we'd like to go next.

Robert was in a motorcycle accident last year, he broke both of his arms. During his downtime he realized he wanted more from life. He hated his job and the commute (2+ hours each way) was killing him. We started talking about the idea again. We have come to the conclusion that life is short and we want to enjoy our life and give our children memorable experiences.

We plan to hit the road in October 2012. Neither of us have ever had an RV or even traveled in an RV, so this will definitely be an experience! I am both excited and terrified, Robert also shares these feelings. For now, our children seem to be only excited. 
So in the words of my favorite band,
Incubus "If Not Now, When?"

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